2024/2025 OPVC Club Player interest information and form
Girls club Team
2024-2025 OPVC Girls Club Interested Players:
For the 2024/2025 club season the OPVC Girls Club 13U - 17U top club teams will all play in the Open Division for all or most tournaments. Our high school teams and the division each grade will compete are below. For the 2024/2025 club season our girls program will have three 15U National teams:
NEW -8U- second grade - two Pre-Club teams
9U - 3rd grade - one lite club team and two-three Pre-Club teams
10U - 4th grade - three club teams and two Pre-club teams
11 regional - two teams
11 national - 2 teams
12 regional - one-two teams
12 american - one team
12 national lite - one team
12 national - two teams
13 regional - one team
13 american - one-two teams
13 national lite - one team
13 national - two teams
14 american - one-two teams
14 national lite - one team
14 national - two teams
15 american - one team
15 national - three teams
16 national - three teams
17 national - two - three teams
18 national - two teams/one might be 17/18 mix
Thank you for your interest in playing for Ohio Premier Volleyball for 2024/2025 Club season! Please submit the form from the link below. When you submit this form it will allow us to contact you and open communication about next year's club teams. We will have a lot of training opportunities this summer for us to see players. For incoming 9th-12th graders that fill out our interest form we will contact you about specific summer training that will be small groups/private lessons so we can see if we have a position for you on one of our club teams. And once you fill out our interest form we can communicate these opportunities for us to see you. You can also send us video.
We will have 2024 summer tryouts for 14U-18U starting on July 13th. Please refer to our girls tryout page for more information.
Our process for Girls Club 2024-2025 club season is we have open tryouts for our 8U-14U club teams. 8U-13U tryouts will take place the third and fourth weekend October. If needed we will have a supplement 14U the last weekend of October. We make invitations to our high school club teams (15U-18U) sometime in June/July. We may also have a few positions available in the fall that can be filled either verbally or supplement high school club tryout in November. Players/parents have to contact us first to open the communication. Sending us video is also a great way for us to see players. We can discuss our 8U-14U teams anytime at 513-623-3093 or ginger@ohiopremiervb.com.
Boys Club Team
2024-2025 OPVC Boys Club Interested Players:
Thank you for your interest in playing for OPVC Boys 2024-2025 Club season. If you are interested in playing for Ohio Premier please fill out the player interest form. We have open tryouts for our 11U-18U boys club teams. Our tryouts will be the middle of September and will be posted sometime early July for registration. All interested players are welcome to tryout! We have summer boys opportunities and August positional's for interested players. We will also have open gym for all ages in August and September leading up to our boys club tryouts. NEW - BOYS 4TH/5TH GRADE PRE-CLUB TEAM for our 2024/2025 club season. More details will follow.
Projected boys club teams for the 2024/2025 club season are below for each age group:
NEW 10U/11U - 4TH/5TH GRADE pre club team - one-two teams
12U - two - three teams
13U - two - three teams
14U - two - three teams
15U - two- three teams
16U - two-three teams
17U - two-three teams
18U - two-three teams
Please fill out and submit the Player Inquiry form below if you are interested in playing for OPVC.
When you submit this form it will allow us to contact you and open communication about next year's club teams.